Headshots for Business Professionals
Camera-shy? Come on by!
We get it. Most people would rather go to the Motor Vehicles office before they go get their picture taken. So we do things differently.
I specialize in great looking portraits that express who you are so you attract your ideal clients. Then, with fun coaching and guidance, we work together to make fabulous images.
All my sessions include a pre-session online consultation, natural retouching so you look your best, and fast delivery.
All portrait sessions include professional hair and makeup styling and are planned with your needs in mind.

Choose Your Location
You can come to my open air studio, I can come to your office, or we can go to any location of your choice. You'll know before you leave how the images came out - you'll be thrilled!

Do you have a team? Book your entire office and get a price break. Ask about multi-person sessions when you call. 818-606-6417
Personal Branding: What is it?
In nutshell - it's the activity of expressing your authentic self in a way that sets you apart from others. It's consistently presenting yourself the way you want to be seen. Photographs make that impression without you even meeting your client. So it makes sense to have the perfect collection of images that represents your brand. This ensures that those around you have a clear understanding of your strengths and unique abilities.
These sessions are pre-planned to include your brand colors, moods, environment and your products. We will work with your website or brand designer to make sure everything is on point with your messaging.
For details, let's set up a consultation. Call 503-479-5707

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